United States Department of Commerce
Economic and Statistics Administration
U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001
I received the letter, to the right, from the US Dept. of Commerce/US Census Bureau. It was addressed to me, Resident, announcing I was going to receive the 2010 census in about a week and it was going to be used to help each community to get it's share of government funds for highways, schools. health facilities and many other programs you and your neighbors need.
without a complete,accurate census your community may not receive its fair share.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Robert Groves.....
Robert, thanks for the warning but: Are you stupid? I mean it, are you stupid? Robert, do you not understand cash flow? Robert, do you have any idea how much Taxpayer money you spent sending these useless letters with postage to people all over the country ? Robert, I ask again, are you stupid?
ROBERT, you just spent money to send out a letter to tell me you were going to send out a letter, the census. What were you thinking? Perhaps you were using up extra cash the government had laying around in DC somewhere?
Robert, I am afraid to ask this question "out loud" but, why use SIX, yes 6 languages.
Does anyone else find this a little hard to believe? Anybody send out pre Christmas cards warning that a Christmas card is on the way?
I am trying to find out the cost of sending these pre census letters to the American people and will keep you updated!
I am also trying to find out what are the languages and how was it decided which languages were to be used.
Stick with me and feel free to comment.
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