Friday, March 26

2nd Healthcare Bill Passes House and Senate

The latest health care reform bill passed by the Senate was passed again by the House — even though the House had already passed a bill Sunday night. (President Obama signed into law on Tuesday) The senate made changes to the bill the house passed and both houses must pass identical versions of the bill to send it to the president’s desk, the House had to return for one final vote. The house passed the bill and the President is expected to sign next week.
One day soon we should find out exactly what is and what is not law. Some parts of the law do not become effective until 2014 and others in 2016. Is is not known if the acceptance of children with pre-existing conditions by insurance companies is law. It was said, by the President and members of both houses, the law would take effect right away however after reading the bill it seems that is not the case.
Updates to follow....

1 comment:

  1. It maybe years before we know what this law really means for the country. Too bad out leaders don't read and understand the bills they are trying to make law before they pass them. In this case it doesn't matter if you are for it or against it we don't exactly what "IT" is! It was clear yesterday that a number of those that voted on it didn't know either. For or against it, it's sad they don't read and understand what they are voting on.....
