Monday, March 15

Has politics gone absolutly nuts!!

The big Health Care debate going on within our government is good! I mean, the debate is good and needs to done before most laws are passed. Especially one this size, scope and with this amount of intended and unintended effects on so many people, places and things.

(((WARNING)))this is my personal opinion-------->>> I believe we need a law that is more open, less complicated and more of the congress and senate agree upon. I am sick and tired of laws/bills being passed on a Dem vs Rep. argument. Represent us, the people, ........ the people not self interest or party interest. I am not interested in making a president, a party or anyone else "look-good".
OK, back to the point of this report. Money, money is the point of this report.
I would not have believed this if just anybody told me is a short list of "some" Dollars spent, not on healthcare, not on government waste but on trying to sway politician's vote:

WASHINGTON The legislative fight soon to be ending on this phase of the process has been the target of a multimillion dollar wave of advertising taking aim at House Democrats who.....

WASHINGTON The coalition ......... led by the United States Chamber of Commerce, ........ The organizations have already spent $11 million this month focusing on these lawmakers, with more spending to come .
WASHINGTON pharmaceutical companies made a $12 million investment for a final advertising push,

WASHINGTON a coalition, Employers for a Healthy Economy. In less than three weeks, the group has bought more than $7 million in TV advertising and plans to spend around $3 million more.

WASHINGTON Americans for Prosperity, got into the fray with an advertising campaign of nearly $1 million.
and on and on and and on.

What hell-o is going on in this country!

Has the time come for us to send our reps. to Washington, lock them in their chambers and let them fight it out. There will be a host of TV cameras feeding to all networks. Allowing no other influence in the chambers other than their knowledge, quest to do what is right for the people and the fact they will be tarred and feathered if they screw the people in their districts!!!


  1. Heaven help us, is about the only thing I know to say.That and have people lost all sense of what a million is to an regular working family?

  2. I thought that I would never see
    a bigger fool than me.
    Then politics showed me
    not the error of my way
    but what fools others can be
    Now I can live yet another day!
