Friday, March 12


Soda, now Pizza Tax, the American Medical Assoc, says if pizzas and sodas were taxed at 18% the number of calories consumed by Americans overall would be lowered. By doing so health care cost would be lowered by $147 billion a year.
How can anyone know this for sure?

Outlaw pizza and soda and the healthcare problem solved!
Really? Lets outlaw pizza and soda and scrap the health care bill!
Outlaw cigarettes, and we can do away with health insurance all we need is accident insurance and can reduce the number of hospitals!
Why does the government believe Taxes are the answer to all the problems?
Because some in government believe the more of your money they control the better they can make your life!

The government runs the Post Office, Social Security, Cash for Clunkers, the IRS and to a certain extent Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae, to name a few....Ask yourself, why does the government believe they can run your life better than you can????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

::: Foot note: I am trying to gain weight......... " unfair tax on thin people"!

Let me hear your thoughts:


  1. Leave my food alone let me decide what I want to eat and drink.
    Thank you very much! < with an attitude!

  2. The government already has the say so on how much water I can use to flush my toilet. Now they are trying to restrict what I eat. They are trying force me to get insurance or rather fine me if I don't! The government is here to protect not run my life!

  3. Why not force congress and the senate to eat nothing but pizza and drink soda!
    Maybe that would help!
