Thursday, March 18

It's OK with Mom If It's Ok with You, Deem It Done

"Don't Deem Me Done"
The house is going to try to Deem a Bill passed and vote on the changes to "said" Bill without ever voting on the Bill.
It is not exactly that simply. Some of the majority party members are going to try to have a vote on changes to a Bill , however the Bill itself was not passed or even voted on by the House. Their thinking, ..... if they get a vote on changes to a Bill, (never voted on much less passed), they can "DEEM" it passed.

"Remember as a teenager you wanted to go to a party, you asked you mom...her response, go ask your Dad. You go to another room find your dad, Dad, is it alright if I go to a party, before he answers, you say, it's OK with mom if it's OK with you ...... "

That is sort of what's going on here. Is it a lie? Well..... Is it the truth? Well...........

One more thing, what Just went on was what we called " If 'y" at best. If that tactic was used for say, Spending the entire summer at your friends house in another state and it was going to cost over a million dollars.That would be suicide !!!!!! Get the picture?

The House passes a Bill, the Senate passes a Bill but before it is sent to the President to sign, making it law, the house might vote on changes to said bill in order to "bring it into line " with the Bill the Senate passed because there are some differences. However, in the case of the Health Care Bill the house never voted on the Bill they are now wanting to vote on CHANGES.

The Constitution of the United States states very clearly in order for a Bill to become law it has to be voted on by Congress, the Senate and signed by the President!

A side note : As of right now the "Deem It Done Bill "has not even been seen !!

Call, write, e-mail or fax your congressman or woman and tell her or him , "Don't Deem Me Done", do what you were sent there to do, for the people, READ, LISTEN, DEBATE ..and then vote!
For the good of the United States, "Don't Deem Me Done"

Has "Deeming" been done before? Yes, does that make it right? NO!

1 comment:

  1. Had not thought about the way we used to use that to get what we wanted in a long time. Thank you for bring back memories.
    The health care situation is a mess it has to be fixed but I am not sure if this is the correct approach for the Congress and Senate to take. Something is not right about what is going on. I have to agree with this blog!
