Friday, April 23

Humor is all around us!

No matter how bad things might get in the political world there is always room for humor and not always mean spirited humor!

One day a man was at the gates of heaven waiting.....St. Peter seeing the man came to the gate to welcome him, the first thing St Peter noticed was this man was a politician. Thrown a little by this St Peter said, in a questioning tone, sir you are a politician? Yes, the man said..St. Peter said they didn't see a lot of politician in heaven....................... wait right here I will return in a moment. A few minutes later St.Peter returns and tell the politician there are some decisions he has to make. Seems politicians are special people and have to decide if they want to spend time in heaven or hell. The rules are simple, spend one day in hell the next day in Heaven and then deicide. First up, hell, when he got off the escalator the first thing he notices is all of his friends are there playing golf drinking and eating the finest foods. He starts playing golf on one of the finest courses he has ever seen and has the best time he has ever had playing golf. Before long he hears St. Peter, "times up get on the escalator.." he says good bye to his friends grabs a beer and head for the escalator... Once in heaven he is shown around, it's nice and peaceful. He moves from cloud to cloud listening to those playing harps and enjoying life. It was very nice and although he wasn't thirsty he had no beer. Before long time is up and he must decide.. After thinking a rather long time he decided hell was the place for him although, he said, heaven was ok but just not as nice as hell.
As the politician made his way from the escalator he noticed a stark difference.. the land was bare and hot and smelled. He looks around and sees his friends, they are wearing old clothes picking up trash that's falling from the sky. Calling to a friend he ask, hey what the Hell is going on....... yesterday I was here and this was the best course I had ever seen, there was beer and drinks, free of charge, all of the food I could eat. Things here were great.... His friend who was a big political leader on earth said, yesterday we were campaigning, today we have your vote!

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