Is it just me or has the price of "going to the movies" gone out of sight? I ask you, is a box of candy really worth $3.85 or a box/ bag of popcorn really worth $10, a cup full of soda worth $5.
I watched as a small family "went to the movies" and cost.
Tickets for a family of 4:
2 adults $16.50*
2 kids: $12.50*
Surcharge for 3D $2.50 x 4 $10
Drinks $20
Popcorn (Shared) $10
Gas $6
Well you get the picture
One can only hope they ate at home before they came...
A couple with younger children who want to experience," going to the movies" and need a baby setter well, I would rather not even know the cost.
* Cost in your area maybe higher, ticket prices for this example: $8.25 adults, $6.25 children.
I have never understood why, if each person is allowed one seat, it is more or less for either one. I assume they figure a child will eat more thus the cheaper seat is better for business.
Recently, I have noticed a lot of empty seats at the movies!
What has been your experience?
Wednesday, December 15
Monday, November 22
TSA - Safety or Expensive
First off, let me say I have flown many times within the U.S. and outside, I don't mind searches or scans and don't see the big deal. Scans don't hurt and nobody touches you, if you don't want to be scanned or touched drive......
That said, I have a very important question to ask the tax paying citizens of the US. How many terrorist have been stopped from boarding a plane by the TSA after the nearly 4 Billion dollars, of your money, the government has spent on the TSA? I think that is a reasonable question to ask of our government after they spent 4 Billion of our money. How many?
What say you?
What say you?
Don't get me wrong I think the government should be looking out for the citizens and trying to stop attacks before they happen but ......
They, the government, don't need to be spending 4 Billions of our money for things that have not worked. . . and why on earth do they tell everybody what they are doing? Why do they announce to the world what they are looking for, what methods they are using? Why tell the world where they are not looking?
Government is a good thing but some of the things they do are border line, if not down right, "stupid."
Somebody please tell me why they would tell the world how many scanners they have and where they are using them????????
Scan everybody who enters all airports no exceptions or at least tell the world that is what you are doing!!!!!!!!
I smile at the TRUE story of a TSA agent who took an item from a pilot... wonder if the agent ever thought, if a pilot wants to down a plane he or she can just use their hands........
Protect us as best you can government and if what the TSA is doing is your best shot, save the money and just lie, tell everybody you are scanning everyone at every airport in the US and those airports that have flights into the US.
What say you?
What say you?
Monday, August 30
Scandal Scandal Scandal, Where There is a Politician........
Eddie Bernice Johnson, Democrat, Dallas congresswoman denied,but 2 days later acknowledged ( in a statement) she violated rules when giving out scholarships to 2 of her grandsons and 2 of her great nephews as well as to her district director's son and daughter.
Amy Goldson, the foundation's general counsel, said," It is inappropriate for a lawmaker to certify the award of a scholarship to a relative in a situation where the lawmaker or their staff is involved in the selection of the recipient." " I doubt if there is anybody in my district going to question me giving a thousand dollars to a kid to help him with college" It is very interesting how Johnson just dismissed concerns about giving the scholarships to her relatives or those of her staff, district director.
Not only was it wrong to give, to her relatives and those of her staff, scholarships, it was revealed none of the recipients were eligible under the rule requiring recipients to reside in or go to school in the district represented by a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.
None of the recipients lived in or attended school in Johnsons district.
Statement made by Johnson made it clear, to me at least, she didn't bother with the rules.
District residency has never been a critical factor in the selection process.....
Scholarship Rules:
●In 2009, the foundation — a nonprofit entity that technically is separate from the Congressional Black Caucus, a group of 42 federal lawmakers — gave out $716,000 in scholarships to 556 students. Similar sums were given out in previous years.
●Corporate donors provide most of the scholarship funds.
●The foundation sets aside $10,000 for each member of the caucus to distribute to college students, under the main scholarship program.
●Each lawmaker (or an aide or screening committee of his or her choosing) reviews applications and selects winners. There are no specific judging criteria.
●Each lawmaker can decide how many winners to pick. That determines the size of each award.
●To be eligible, a student must have a 2.5-grade-point average and must live or go to school in a district represented by a member of the caucus.
●Students must certify that they satisfy the residency requirements and aren’t related to any caucus member.I take it, the rules don't apply to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I won't say what I think should happen in this case but jail time doesn't seem to harsh after she returns the money.
What do you think???
Wednesday, August 11
Waters Charged ( Bush didn't do it)
The House ethics committee, in a 10 page "Statement of Alleged Violation", accused Waters of three counts of violating House rules and federal regulations. Waters and Mikael Moore, Waters' chief of staff and grandson are accused of improperly intervening on behalf of OneUnited bank. A bank which her husband owned stock valued at $350,000.
Because of the Government take over of Freddie Mac and Frannie Mae on Sept.7 2008 OneUnited bank was about to collapse. The collapse could have taken the congress woman's husband's now $175,000 investment to Zero.
Waters called Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to set up a meeting between National Bankers Association, a group which OneUnited was a member and officials from the Treasury. Bank officials asked for $50 million to cover anticipated losses . OneUnited later asked to trade stock in FreddieMac and Fannie Mae valued at $51 million for $42 million.Treasury didn't have proper authority to make the trade but the Bank later received $12million of TARP money.
Waters is accused of failing to properly oversee Mikael Moore work and charged with violating the Code of Ethics for Government Service...
In case you got confused, they were asking for MILLIONS to cover "anticipated" losses, FIFTY MILLION - $50 Million. Then asked to swap $51 million worth of Stock for $42 million "dollars"..( it is unclear at this time the actual value of the stock at the time they wanted to trade)
Like others in the government these days, it seems Waters is trying to blame the Bush Administration ... In an interview Waters said, "A mantee"of Karl Rove, the White house deputy chief of staff under President George W Bush," took this public information to the OCE with allegations of a conflict of interest"
(Mrs. Waters take a look at the information and actions taken by you and your staff/ grandson and don't blame the messenger!)
Because of the Government take over of Freddie Mac and Frannie Mae on Sept.7 2008 OneUnited bank was about to collapse. The collapse could have taken the congress woman's husband's now $175,000 investment to Zero.
Waters called Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to set up a meeting between National Bankers Association, a group which OneUnited was a member and officials from the Treasury. Bank officials asked for $50 million to cover anticipated losses . OneUnited later asked to trade stock in FreddieMac and Fannie Mae valued at $51 million for $42 million.Treasury didn't have proper authority to make the trade but the Bank later received $12million of TARP money.
Waters is accused of failing to properly oversee Mikael Moore work and charged with violating the Code of Ethics for Government Service...
In case you got confused, they were asking for MILLIONS to cover "anticipated" losses, FIFTY MILLION - $50 Million. Then asked to swap $51 million worth of Stock for $42 million "dollars"..( it is unclear at this time the actual value of the stock at the time they wanted to trade)
Like others in the government these days, it seems Waters is trying to blame the Bush Administration ... In an interview Waters said, "A mantee"of Karl Rove, the White house deputy chief of staff under President George W Bush," took this public information to the OCE with allegations of a conflict of interest"
(Mrs. Waters take a look at the information and actions taken by you and your staff/ grandson and don't blame the messenger!)
Wednesday, August 4
Inception New Movie
This is far from a normal post for me but after seeing the movie INCEPTION I had to "blog"
about it, I had no choice. Don't get me wrong, I am not a movie critic except I do have an opinion on this movie. I have to say Movies have not been something I have been "into" until recently. It might have to do with visits to a small town in North Carolina, Shelby. In any event, this movie, INCEPTION, is a far cry from an everyday movie and might not be enjoyed by everyone. However, I would recommend everyone over ... 13 see it. ( I picked 13 only because I figure at 13 I was ready to see and understand this type of movie) There are some movie stars in the movie but that is not why you "need " to see INCEPTION. As matter of fact I would rather see a movie without movies "stars" because I want to see the the actor as real people in the story not as actors.
INCEPTION is a real "dream" of a movie! OK, that was my attempt at humor, you will understand it only if you see or have seen, the movie.
OK, so this movie is about dreams and the way dreams are used to change real life. "Change" might not be the best word to describe what goes on in the movie but I don't want to "give away" any of the movie it is too good. So I guess you will have to see it to understand.......
I will tell you to be on time for this movie, open you mind and if you can takes notes in the dark ..... well .... ( OK maybe taking notes might be little extreme, but I want to see the DVD so I can stop it)
I will say dreams are an important part of the movie, if not the movie itself but it goes way beyond just a dream ... maybe a dream within a dream, within a dream, and back out.
OK, there it is, ( I "sort of" lied before when I said, I didn't want to "give away" the movie), I just gave you the entire movie without really giving away the movie. Tricky, maybe, but you have to see it to understand. If you have already seen it you understand perfectly.
See it, then let me know what you think.........
about it, I had no choice. Don't get me wrong, I am not a movie critic except I do have an opinion on this movie. I have to say Movies have not been something I have been "into" until recently. It might have to do with visits to a small town in North Carolina, Shelby. In any event, this movie, INCEPTION, is a far cry from an everyday movie and might not be enjoyed by everyone. However, I would recommend everyone over ... 13 see it. ( I picked 13 only because I figure at 13 I was ready to see and understand this type of movie) There are some movie stars in the movie but that is not why you "need " to see INCEPTION. As matter of fact I would rather see a movie without movies "stars" because I want to see the the actor as real people in the story not as actors.
INCEPTION is a real "dream" of a movie! OK, that was my attempt at humor, you will understand it only if you see or have seen, the movie.
OK, so this movie is about dreams and the way dreams are used to change real life. "Change" might not be the best word to describe what goes on in the movie but I don't want to "give away" any of the movie it is too good. So I guess you will have to see it to understand.......
I will tell you to be on time for this movie, open you mind and if you can takes notes in the dark ..... well .... ( OK maybe taking notes might be little extreme, but I want to see the DVD so I can stop it)
I will say dreams are an important part of the movie, if not the movie itself but it goes way beyond just a dream ... maybe a dream within a dream, within a dream, and back out.
OK, there it is, ( I "sort of" lied before when I said, I didn't want to "give away" the movie), I just gave you the entire movie without really giving away the movie. Tricky, maybe, but you have to see it to understand. If you have already seen it you understand perfectly.
See it, then let me know what you think.........
Tuesday, July 6
Government works for you, not the other way around!
Interesting facts you should know about and remember when you go to vote. I am not telling you who to vote for I am saying read these facts and think long and hard before you vote. Try your best not to fall for the lies and misrepresentations made by,some of, the people who will be running for office. Look at their record, how they voted in the past. I am not going to say too much about the current president except, look at what has happened and what has not happened, experience is important. Electing someone to the highest position in the government with no experience is trouble, big trouble. Of course the experience level doesn't have to be as high the lower the position in the government but you need common sense people who understand life and the way things need to work, NOT: "pie in the sky" - "the government can cure all, and is the end all be all" - "the government knows better than the people and should have control" - "the more government the better" type of people! I will say, stay away from labels but be aware of labels.. A conservative government leads to a society that is free and a people who control the government not the other way around.
I ask that you remember the following facts before the elections in November 2010.
- U..S.. House & Senate have voted themselves $4,700 and $5,300 raises.
- They voted NOT to give pay increases no give seniors a S.S. Cost of living raise in 2010 and 2011.
- Medicare premiums will go up $285.60 for the 2-years
- There will be no 3% COLA: $660/yr.
- Your total 2-yr loss and cost is -$1,600 or -$3,200 for husband and wife.
- Over these same 2-years each Congress person will get $10,000
- ( Excuse me but) Do you feel SCREWED?
- Has your cost for drugs - doctor fees - local taxes - food, etc., decreased?
Congress received a raise and has better health and retirement benefits than you or I.
- Why should they care about you?
- You never did anything about it in the past.
- You obviously are too stupid or don't care.
- Do you really think that Nancy , Harry, Chris, Charlie, Barny, etc., care about you?
Send the message to these individuals --- "YOU'RE FIRED!"
In 2010 you will have a chance to get rid of the sitting Congress: up to 1/3 of the Senate and 100% of the House!
Make sure you're still mad in November 2010 and remind their replacements not to screw-up.
It is ok to share this with others in your sphere of influence if you are finally tired of the abuse. Maybe it's time for Amendment 28 to the Constitution..
28th Amendment will be as follows:
"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives, and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ."
( It is hard to believe this isn't part of our Constitution already.)
Let's get this passed around, - these people in Washington have brought this upon themselves! It's time for us to have people in our government working for us. Let's take back America ..
Please let others know how you feel about this, tell you friends, tell you government. if you don't you could be part of the problem of national apathy.
Let me know what you think .I don't mean to offend anyone but I, as you, want my government back. They are supposed to be working for us, not for themselves and not make things SOUND good but be good and remember28th Amendment!
A lot of this seems to apply to seniors but it applies to all of us.
Thank you for reading, come back and feel free to comment.
Other blogs of mine:
Friday, May 28
The United Nations 's TEEB, Got it Wrong Humans Are Part of Nature
The United Nation's TEEB report states that humans have damaged about 1/3 of the Earth's habitat. Other than the fact the word “damage” has many meanings there is another factor that seems to have been overlooked, animals. What about the animals, they tear up jungles, eat away miles upon miles of nature, killing other animals just to survive. For example, how many mussels, clams and fish are destroyed by other animals each day? Cows and pigs just might be the third or fourth largest producers of gas released into the atmosphere. How many tons of hay do horses plant each year, how many do they eat? We all know humans and their record when it comes to keeping the water clean but, what about the fish in the oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, ponds and creeks? 
I am not saying man doesn't need to be responsible for the way he treats the planet but the animals get a free pass, because they are nature. I am a man and believe it or not I am part of nature!
Now what about the TEEB REPORT, who comes up with it and what do they say about it? TEEB is a UN study titled The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for National and International Policy Makers. According to its website,
Pretty impressive, right? Well, apparently not in the eyes of its creators, because, as with so many documents today, they included a disclaimer, saying views expressed in the report are purely those of the authors and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the organizations involved.OK, so the people who came up with the information are not the ones who put the report together and the group that is using the report are distancing themselves from it! But please don't get me wrong, each and every word of this report could be true — or not!
Speaking of each and every word, lets take a look at a few of's words about the report,
Now you know what this natural man believes

I am not saying man doesn't need to be responsible for the way he treats the planet but the animals get a free pass, because they are nature. I am a man and believe it or not I am part of nature!
Now what about the TEEB REPORT, who comes up with it and what do they say about it? TEEB is a UN study titled The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for National and International Policy Makers. According to its website,
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) study is a major international initiative to draw attention to the global economic benefits of biodiversity, to highlight the growing costs of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation, and to draw together expertise from the fields of science, economics and policy to enable practical actions moving forward...TEEB is hosted by the United Nations Environment Program and supported by the European Commission, the German Federal Environment Ministry and the UK government's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, recently joined by Norway’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs and The Netherland’s Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment.TEEB was put together by a worldwide group of scientists, business leaders and specialists in a variety of disciplines, headed by Indian banker Pavan Sukhdev.
Pretty impressive, right? Well, apparently not in the eyes of its creators, because, as with so many documents today, they included a disclaimer, saying views expressed in the report are purely those of the authors and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the organizations involved.OK, so the people who came up with the information are not the ones who put the report together and the group that is using the report are distancing themselves from it! But please don't get me wrong, each and every word of this report could be true — or not!
Speaking of each and every word, lets take a look at a few of's words about the report,
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has previously estimated that species are becoming extinct at a rate 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than it would naturally be without humans.OK, I am sick of it. Humans are on this earth naturally, as in part of nature. I am sick of others telling me I am not part of nature. I did nothing to get here. Nothing, and I knew nothing about anything before I got here so, yes it needs to be said and I am saying it, Humans are a part of nature! In fact, I would say, more so than the other animals and plants.
Now you know what this natural man believes
Thursday, May 20
Liar, Liar Riding Shorts On Fire
Cyclist Floyd Landis, who had his 2006 Tour de France champion title taken away after he tested positive for "doping" ( positive for testosterone), now admits to "doping". He now accuses his former team cyclist, including Lance Armstrong, of "doping."
" I don't know the man but what he wants us to believe is a little hard to swallow!"
This is after he said,
"I don't feel guilty at all about having doped," "I did what I did because that's what we did and it was a choice I had to make after 10 years or 12 years of hard work to get there; and that was a decision I had to make to make the next step. My choices were, do it and see if I can win, or don't do it and I tell people I just don't want to do that, and I decided to do it." ( What did he just say? Sounds to me he said, I had a choice and I chose to "dope.")
He also wrote a book, "False Positive" and now I am supposed to feel good about the fact he might be coming clean, it's jut my opinion but if he wants to come clean as it were do it but not at the same time pointing fingers. For one thing why should anyone believe him? He has lied some much both in his book and by his own words, it reminds me of the old phase, "watch his mouth, when it is open he is lying" Sorry there bud, but you can't have it both ways.
You doped, you got caught, you denied it, you kept on denying it, you wrote a book about it and now when you "come clean" and you want to bring others down too! Something is starting to smell a little fishy!!!!!
Sucks to be out of the lime light now doesn't it? If you came clean and didn't mention Lance Armstrong do you really think there would be headlines?
I think not, not among the general public. However, put the name Lance Armstrong in the mixed and waaa- laaaa you have instant news coverage!Since the 06 positive test, he has denied doping. He wrote a book, "Positively False," disputing his positive test and solicited donations for a costly legal campaign to overturn his ban and clear his name. Now he wants everyone to believe that he did dope only because, HERE IT COMES...... EVERYBODY ELSE DID!!! Wait this time he is really telling the truth and naming names so that makes his story more believable? I think not! I could go on and on but I won't.... However I do love the story where the bus full of cyclist pulled on to the side of the road and all of them got blood transfusions! But who am I to think otherwise???????????
* Can't say if he did or not, or if others did or not, but the more I sniff the fishier it smells..............................................................................................
" I don't know the man but what he wants us to believe is a little hard to swallow!"
This is after he said,
"I don't feel guilty at all about having doped," "I did what I did because that's what we did and it was a choice I had to make after 10 years or 12 years of hard work to get there; and that was a decision I had to make to make the next step. My choices were, do it and see if I can win, or don't do it and I tell people I just don't want to do that, and I decided to do it." ( What did he just say? Sounds to me he said, I had a choice and I chose to "dope.")
He also wrote a book, "False Positive" and now I am supposed to feel good about the fact he might be coming clean, it's jut my opinion but if he wants to come clean as it were do it but not at the same time pointing fingers. For one thing why should anyone believe him? He has lied some much both in his book and by his own words, it reminds me of the old phase, "watch his mouth, when it is open he is lying" Sorry there bud, but you can't have it both ways.
You doped, you got caught, you denied it, you kept on denying it, you wrote a book about it and now when you "come clean" and you want to bring others down too! Something is starting to smell a little fishy!!!!!
Sucks to be out of the lime light now doesn't it? If you came clean and didn't mention Lance Armstrong do you really think there would be headlines?
I think not, not among the general public. However, put the name Lance Armstrong in the mixed and waaa- laaaa you have instant news coverage!Since the 06 positive test, he has denied doping. He wrote a book, "Positively False," disputing his positive test and solicited donations for a costly legal campaign to overturn his ban and clear his name. Now he wants everyone to believe that he did dope only because, HERE IT COMES...... EVERYBODY ELSE DID!!! Wait this time he is really telling the truth and naming names so that makes his story more believable? I think not! I could go on and on but I won't.... However I do love the story where the bus full of cyclist pulled on to the side of the road and all of them got blood transfusions! But who am I to think otherwise???????????
* Can't say if he did or not, or if others did or not, but the more I sniff the fishier it smells..............................................................................................
Saturday, May 15
Blagojevich - Now There Is A Piece Of Work!
Blagojevich accused of trying to secure a job in exchange for naming White House adviser Valerie Jarrett — referred to as “ Candidate B” — to the Senate seat made available by Obama.
Blagojevich’s defense team has been on a subpoena spree : Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) have received subpoenas. U.S. District Judge James Zagel ruled last month that the former governor’s lawyers could not compel testimony from Obama.
In a January 2009 Blagojevich said, I believe the testimony of other public officials will exonerate me.
“If I can bring [Obama’s] chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, in to testify … if I can bring Valerie Jarrett, a top staffer to President Obama in to testify, if I can bring Congressman Jackson, Sen. Durbin, Sen. Reid, Sen. Menendez ", Elvis, Ben Hurr, Captain America, Vanna White, Mickey Mouse, Jimmy Olsen, Mr. White, Clark Kent and a whole host of other people. "If I could get every single person I talked to about the Senate seat, I can clear my name" … and fairness and justice will prevail,” Blagojevich said. Blagojevich was hoping to get testimony to fight impeachment proceedings in the Illinois Legislature but ...Opps! He failed and ultimately was removed from office.
All I can say is keep the faith man, you are going to need it!
I will just leave it at that for now..... No offense but "some" of you guys from Chicago, Boy Oh Boy, you say it, so you think it must be so!!!!
Friday, May 14
Ask Religion Czar Why Jews & Christians Were Excluded From Being Exempt From Parts of the Healthcare Law
The New Healthcare law discriminates against Christians and Jews by denying them exemptions extended to other religions. The requirement that you must purchased healthcare insurance or be subject to fines enforced by the IRS.
These exemptions are reserved for Muslims, Scientologists, Amish, Christian Scientists and Native American Indians who have a “conscientious objection” to insurance.
Separation between church and "state" right?
Who is deciding which religions get the pass?
Does one need a religion to be a conscientious objector? If this is the case then what Dept. of the government and who is the religion Czar?
Of course I ask these question, partly in jest because I know there will be no answer coming from the government. Besides the politicians in DC these days are so much smarter and know what is best for all the people. (Wait, did I just say that.....??)
In any case the fact still remains certain religions are exempt from certain parts of the new healthcare law.
Maybe this is something you want to ask your Congressman or Congresswoman. (Representatives)
3 Arrested On Immigrations Violations
It is simply horrible, three men were arrested on immigrations violations. However, it should come as no surprise. People and officials have been talking about the new Arizona law for some time now..."we knew this was going to happen, it was only a matter of time." "They are only beginning to "round them up" it is going to get worse."
The three men were arrested as authorities searched homes and businesses. "Oh My Gawd", residents were outraged and spoke of Nazi like police searching house to house. " This is only going to get worse, I can't believe it is happening in this country." "What's next concentration camps?"
As people questioned what the future might hold it became clear the three men were arrested and held on immigrations violations which are administrative, not criminal charges. Their names were not being released by authorities.
Hold on, "don't get your shorts in a knot"!
First off, this had nothing to do with Arizona, the raids came about because of evidence gathered during the investigation into the Time Square Car Bombing attempt. The three men were Pakistani, not Mexican. Two were seizes in Boston,the third in Maine, by the F B I.
The attorney General, Eric Holder told reporters, there is enough evidence the men provided Faisal Shahzad an American suspected in the New York car bomb attempt, with money. The FBI had not yet determined if the three actually knew the money was going to be used for a terrorist act.
Some of the very same laws that Arizona made state law were used to "round-up" the men.
Maybe that Arizona law isn't so bad or far fetch after all?????
The three men were arrested as authorities searched homes and businesses. "Oh My Gawd", residents were outraged and spoke of Nazi like police searching house to house. " This is only going to get worse, I can't believe it is happening in this country." "What's next concentration camps?"
As people questioned what the future might hold it became clear the three men were arrested and held on immigrations violations which are administrative, not criminal charges. Their names were not being released by authorities.
Hold on, "don't get your shorts in a knot"!
First off, this had nothing to do with Arizona, the raids came about because of evidence gathered during the investigation into the Time Square Car Bombing attempt. The three men were Pakistani, not Mexican. Two were seizes in Boston,the third in Maine, by the F B I.
The attorney General, Eric Holder told reporters, there is enough evidence the men provided Faisal Shahzad an American suspected in the New York car bomb attempt, with money. The FBI had not yet determined if the three actually knew the money was going to be used for a terrorist act.
Some of the very same laws that Arizona made state law were used to "round-up" the men.
Maybe that Arizona law isn't so bad or far fetch after all?????
Thursday, May 13
This Is So Horrible? Arizona Law, I Think Not
This is part of the, so called, Horrible, Arizona Immigration Law. Sounds like common sense stuff to me :
S.B. 1070
- 4 -
1 Sec. 4. Section 13-2319, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
It is unlawful for a person to intentionally engage in the
smuggling of human beings for profit or commercial purpose.
A violation of this section is a class 4 felony.
C. Notwithstanding subsection B of this section, a violation of this
Is a class 2 felony if the human being who is smuggled is under
eighteen years of age and is not accompanied by a family member over eighteen
years of age or the offense involved the use of a deadly weapon or dangerous
Is a class 3 felony if the offense involves the use or threatened
use of deadly physical force and the person is not eligible for suspension of
sentence, probation, pardon or release from confinement on any other basis
except pursuant to section 31-233, subsection A or B until the sentence
imposed by the court is served, the person is eligible for release pursuant
to section 41-1604.07 or the sentence is commuted.
Sure there is more but nothing that doesn't follow along with Federal law already on the books. Oh, yeah there is that horrible part about it being illegal to stop and block traffic trying to pick up somebody off of the street to work for you. That should be common sense and falls under traffic law already.
I would tell those that are upset about this new horrible law to read it.... it's nothing new.
S.B. 1070
- 4 -
1 Sec. 4. Section 13-2319, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
It is unlawful for a person to intentionally engage in the
smuggling of human beings for profit or commercial purpose.
A violation of this section is a class 4 felony.
C. Notwithstanding subsection B of this section, a violation of this
Is a class 2 felony if the human being who is smuggled is under
eighteen years of age and is not accompanied by a family member over eighteen
years of age or the offense involved the use of a deadly weapon or dangerous
Is a class 3 felony if the offense involves the use or threatened
use of deadly physical force and the person is not eligible for suspension of
sentence, probation, pardon or release from confinement on any other basis
except pursuant to section 31-233, subsection A or B until the sentence
imposed by the court is served, the person is eligible for release pursuant
to section 41-1604.07 or the sentence is commuted.
Sure there is more but nothing that doesn't follow along with Federal law already on the books. Oh, yeah there is that horrible part about it being illegal to stop and block traffic trying to pick up somebody off of the street to work for you. That should be common sense and falls under traffic law already.
I would tell those that are upset about this new horrible law to read it.... it's nothing new.
This is a test, just a test.Thanks for stopping by! Hey why not click on an ad while you are here.
Blogs will continue after testing!
Blogs will continue after testing!
New Healthcare Law Discriminates Against Christians and Jews
The New Healthcare law discriminates against Christians and Jews by denying them exemptions extended to other religions. The requirement that you must purchased healthcare insurance or be subject to fines enforced by the IRS.
These exemptions are reserved for Muslims, Scientologists, Amish, Christian Scientists and Native American Indians who have a “conscientious objection” to insurance.
More information to follow, what do you think so far?
Wednesday, May 12
Speaker of the House Instructs the Catholic Church What to Preach From the Pulpit
( (Nancy Pelosi pleaded with religious leaders to instruct their followers to support immigration reform!!))
Wait a minute! What the "hello" is going on here.
The Speaker of the House of the United States, Nancy Pelosi, speaking at the National Catholic Community Conference told the priests and sisters that the church needs to "speak about it from the pulpit". " Some who oppose immigration reform are sitting in those pews and you have to tell them that this is a manifestation of our living the gospels."
When did politicians become religious teachers? Wait , why is an elected official telling a religious organization what to preach? What happen to the separation of Church and State? ( I ask with a smile!!) Something is starting to smell a little fishy!!
Catholics, this isn't any reflection or slam on the Church but rather the Speaker of the House of the United States.
My hope is that the Catholic Church leaves the politicians to their work and the Church takes care of their business!
Just in case the Catholic Church forgot , she is the same lady who said, abortion fits within the churches teaching or something like
"During the 2008 elections Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tried to imply the Catholic Church was “flexible” on the whole abortion is a mortal sin thing."
"In the debate Speaker Pelosi lied about the position of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on the issue of abortion in the health care bill"
"The Speaker and her allies seem to be singing a different tune now that they potentially agree with the Catholic Church on the issue of immigration, and once again she is positioning herself as an expert on Catholic teaching."
Some politicians will use just about anyone or anything to get what they want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you think?
Steal A Cross? Come On Grow Up!
A 75 year old WWI Memorial was stolen from the Mojave dessert.
The white metal cross has been the subject of numerous court cases. Two weeks ago the Supreme court in a 5 to 4 decision ruled the cross can stand.
If a cross in the middle of a dessert offends you, no problem, don't go into the dessert. If you must go, don't look at it but, come on, don't cut it down and take it away....By the way, this cross was nothing more than metal pipes erected so as to form a "plus sign." If you have no religious belief it is nothing more ..... and it sure doesn't do anything to abridge your freedom of religion.
It can however mean much more to those who see it as a cross.
The first cross, a wooden one was placed on the rock in 1934, a metal cross replaced it in the late 90's.
Not too long ago a box was built around the cross until the court ruled.
The VFW is offering a $25,000 reward!
(The reason given for the court case was the separation of church and state)
The white metal cross has been the subject of numerous court cases. Two weeks ago the Supreme court in a 5 to 4 decision ruled the cross can stand.
If a cross in the middle of a dessert offends you, no problem, don't go into the dessert. If you must go, don't look at it but, come on, don't cut it down and take it away....By the way, this cross was nothing more than metal pipes erected so as to form a "plus sign." If you have no religious belief it is nothing more ..... and it sure doesn't do anything to abridge your freedom of religion.
It can however mean much more to those who see it as a cross.
The first cross, a wooden one was placed on the rock in 1934, a metal cross replaced it in the late 90's.
Not too long ago a box was built around the cross until the court ruled.
The VFW is offering a $25,000 reward!
(The reason given for the court case was the separation of church and state)
Tuesday, May 11
Naming Post Offices - Good Use of Congress's Time?
Washington-DC: Is it a good use of time spent, by members of congress, to be naming post offices? Time is being spent by congress debating and voting on the naming of post offices across the country. In todays world and the shape of this country one has to ask, is this really how congress should be spending time... debating, voting and filing all the paper work involved in naming buildings? After hearing congress give speeches on the naming of buildings, seems to me this country isn't in the best shape and there are much more important issues that need to be dealt with by the congress of the UNITED STATES than naming buildings!
This is not a slam on the brave men and women who have given their lives for this country. No, not at seems there is a better way to handle the naming of post offices than to have congress spend time writing bills, introducing bills, debating bills, recording bills, voting on bills and filing bills in order to name a post office. For what the citizens of the United States are paying the congress we expect them to be doing more, much more than naming buildings.
(" Rep. Joe Crowley reintroduced legislation last week that would name a post office in NY. The first version of the bill had stalled because it was drafted by ex-Rep. Eric Massa, who resigned in early March amid allegations that he sexually harassed male aides.")
This legislation has been reintroduced which means part of the process starts all over again.
(This is, in no way, meant to take away from the reason this post office is being named but is merely used as an example.)
This post office in Hornell, NY is being named in honor of Marine Lance Corporal Zachary Smith, 19. Lance Corp. Zach Smith made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. He lost his life during combat in Afghanistan.
* Picture shown is of the original post office, not the current post office.
This is not a slam on the brave men and women who have given their lives for this country. No, not at seems there is a better way to handle the naming of post offices than to have congress spend time writing bills, introducing bills, debating bills, recording bills, voting on bills and filing bills in order to name a post office. For what the citizens of the United States are paying the congress we expect them to be doing more, much more than naming buildings.
(" Rep. Joe Crowley reintroduced legislation last week that would name a post office in NY. The first version of the bill had stalled because it was drafted by ex-Rep. Eric Massa, who resigned in early March amid allegations that he sexually harassed male aides.")
This legislation has been reintroduced which means part of the process starts all over again.
(This is, in no way, meant to take away from the reason this post office is being named but is merely used as an example.)
This post office in Hornell, NY is being named in honor of Marine Lance Corporal Zachary Smith, 19. Lance Corp. Zach Smith made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. He lost his life during combat in Afghanistan.
* Picture shown is of the original post office, not the current post office.
Saturday, May 8
Stopped, Asked to Show My Papers - So What!
OK, I have had enough of the Arizona complaining crap! Yes, I said CRAP, it's all a load of crap. Follow the law and you have nothing to worry about!
Last night at approx. 10:59pm I was stopped by three state policemen and asked,to show my drivers license. I wasn't doing anything wrong, I had my seat belt on, wasn't speeding, was minding my own business. However, it seems there is this law in the State of North Carolina that you must have your drivers license with you at all times while driving a car. It doesn't matter if you are white, black, Hispanic, Catholic or whatever, it's the law. Not unlike the "New Law" in Arizona. For whatever reason they stopped me they asked to see my license, I showed it, that was that.
If I, as an American citizen, am subject to being stopped and asked questions and to see my papers(driver license) anyone and I mean anyone, legal or illegal sure as hell is subject to the same treatment!
People stop making yourselves victims, stand up for yourself and if you are illegal go home and stop whining! I am sick of it! If you want to be in this country go home and come back the right way. No if's and's or but's!
Friday, May 7
Religion A Good Subject to Get People All Stirred UP !

I was talking to, Sally Bless-Your-Heart Smith, today. We were talking or should I say she was talking about religion. Now just to spice things up let me say, she is from,"Up North",(if you live here in the South you know what that means!)
Anyway, she was telling me how she hears people saying, "I will pray for you" and "God bless you" and then turn right around smack a kid, tell somebody else to shut-up or do something else, I will not repeat here... I believe what she was trying to say was, in most cases these people will not pray for you but rather it is just a response to something they see or hear.
How many time have you heard somebody sneeze then hear an automatic response of God bless you, without any thought of God what-so-ever? They might tell somebody else to screw off in the same breath. In most(not all) cases it is just talk. Sally BYH Smith has seen and heard her share of this "TALK."
This got us talking about religion in general..let me stop here and say, I have nothing against anyone religion, we are all free to believe and or not believe as we see fit. Sally BYH Smith and I were talking about people and how they might go to church two or three times a week and look down on others who don't go as much or the ones that go, dare I say,religiously, but in their everyday lives would screw you on a deal in a heart beat. I think what Sally BYH Smith was saying and I agreed, going to church doesn't make you a good person. I know Churches won't say this because they need the money but it's the way you live your life that counts not how many times you go to Church. I know the "guy upstairs"(I will call Him that because I know He doesn't mind and different people call Him by different names) is more interested in how you live your day to day life more so than the number of times you go into a building. Speaking of buildings ie. Churches, ever looked around at the number of churches? OK, which ones are the ones that are going to get you to heaven and which ones are the people wasting their time? Which churches are the "Real Ones"? Which religion or religions are the true ones? Stop and think!
I remember as a boy I went to the church that housed the True religion... I asked a teacher once, how come I lucked into a family that had the true religion? If I had been born into another family that didn't know of or didn't believe in this true religion would I end up in hell because I would have followed it because that is what I would have been taught. I asked her about the Natives in Africa(because I had seen them on TV) who had no Churches and didn't know about my true religion, I asked how it was that all of them were going to hell because, not only didn't they have the true religion they didn't even wear shoes or go to church? You know to this very day she never answered me! I have never watched another Tarzan movie the same way after that.......... Always wondered about that, even Sally BYH Smith was speechless for a few seconds.
Now after a long chat with Sally Bless-Your-Heart Smith we were wondering if money might not play a big part in some of the man made rules people are given when it comes to church and different rules of these churches. Just a thought, folks don't get mad at me I am always asking questions.. I wonder..I wonder first off how many people will even read this but how many think they have the right religion, if it matters or just what they think about the whole subject.
I will tell you a true story that happened to me. By the way, I told Sally Bless-Your-Heart Smith this story. Not sure she believed me but it's true after my late wife passed away a member of the church told me it was OK to be mad at God.."Mad at God," I said, "no way I am going to be mad at God"." No" he insisted, it's OK. I said, "I am not going to get mad at God because He has here now I am not going to do anything to tick Him off" I tell that story only because it isn't God or what ever name you wish to use that I have my problems with... It is the religions and their rules that this story is about.
OK so what you is your take on this..and be respectful, I was and beside I will tell Sally Bless-Your-Heart Smith all about what you say!
I wish to thanks Sally BYH Smith because without her this would not have been published.
290,000 New Jobs-Unemployment Up
Only in American can the number of new jobs increase by 290,000 while the unemployment rate rises at the same time!!
If there were 290,000 new jobs last month but the unemployment rate increased from 9.7 % to 9.9% somewhere along the way more people are out of work this month than last month so ......something doesn't add up to good news no matter how you slice it. Because some how some way there has to be more people out of work this month over last month but yet 290,000 new jobs were created... I am not sure how the government can come out saying this is a good thing. There are more people out of work this month than last no matter how you spin the story.
Seems we have a very creative group in Washington these days. But facts are facts and the fact is there are more people out of work this month than there were last month.
I had flash backs...... I am wondering if we are going to get the real meaning of the word, "is" some day soon!!!
Say it "ain't" so!!!!
If there were 290,000 new jobs last month but the unemployment rate increased from 9.7 % to 9.9% somewhere along the way more people are out of work this month than last month so ......something doesn't add up to good news no matter how you slice it. Because some how some way there has to be more people out of work this month over last month but yet 290,000 new jobs were created... I am not sure how the government can come out saying this is a good thing. There are more people out of work this month than last no matter how you spin the story.
Seems we have a very creative group in Washington these days. But facts are facts and the fact is there are more people out of work this month than there were last month.
I had flash backs...... I am wondering if we are going to get the real meaning of the word, "is" some day soon!!!
Say it "ain't" so!!!!
Thursday, May 6
B M Takes On A Whole New Meaning!
In one of the craziest 30 minutes in the history of the stock market, the Dow dropped nearly 1,000 points before the up turn. All the losses were due to a trader error.
Apparently a trader entered a "b" for billion instead of an "m" for million in a trade involving Procter & Gamble a member of the Dow.( While on air Jim Cramer noted suspicious price movement in P&G stock during the market selloff.)
Who knew the power of the B and the M on a keyboard!
Makes this blogger wonder if they have spell check!
Apparently a trader entered a "b" for billion instead of an "m" for million in a trade involving Procter & Gamble a member of the Dow.( While on air Jim Cramer noted suspicious price movement in P&G stock during the market selloff.)
Who knew the power of the B and the M on a keyboard!
Makes this blogger wonder if they have spell check!
Wednesday, May 5
Second Bird Recovering From Oil Spill!
Wild Well Control, the world's leading provider of well control, training, firefighting and platform recovery services, finished up a 100 ton containment dome yesterday. The concrete and steel dome is designed to siphon the oil from the leaking well into an oil tanker on the water's surface.
There have been reports, by people living on the coast, claiming they are seeing and smelling the oil. However this is nothing more than acute anxiety.
The second bird, a brown pelican, found in the oil at sea is recovering at the bird rescue center in Louisiana.
There have been reports, by people living on the coast, claiming they are seeing and smelling the oil. However this is nothing more than acute anxiety.
The second bird, a brown pelican, found in the oil at sea is recovering at the bird rescue center in Louisiana.
No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk .............. Oil
Environmental Groups are quick to to say, the oil spill in the Gulf is the reason to stop offshore drilling. However, this is a rather short sighted view of life! Yes, it is bad but we need to remember, accidents happen, yes even bad accidents. We need to learn from accidents such as this and continue to improve. We don't need to, "cut off our nose to spite our face."
Using, what I call the environmentalist view we should close all coal mines as well as stop drilling for oil. We live in a world full of God given resources and have found ways to use these resources for the good of all mankind.
Before jumping to the conclusion that all oil or coal exploration has to be stopped remember, accidents are going to happen! Man is not perfect but when accidents happen you learn from the accidents and try to fix "things" so it does not happen in the future... Where would we be today if after an airplane crash we stopped flying.... What about the first major car accident, we didn't stop making cars. To this very day we are still trying to make cars safer and we should be doing the same thing in our coal mines as well as on our oil rigs.
If this country doesn't want to be dependent on other countries for our transportation needs we had better keep on drilling and finding safer ways to drill for the oil resources this earth has to offer.
Using, what I call the environmentalist view we should close all coal mines as well as stop drilling for oil. We live in a world full of God given resources and have found ways to use these resources for the good of all mankind.
Before jumping to the conclusion that all oil or coal exploration has to be stopped remember, accidents are going to happen! Man is not perfect but when accidents happen you learn from the accidents and try to fix "things" so it does not happen in the future... Where would we be today if after an airplane crash we stopped flying.... What about the first major car accident, we didn't stop making cars. To this very day we are still trying to make cars safer and we should be doing the same thing in our coal mines as well as on our oil rigs.
If this country doesn't want to be dependent on other countries for our transportation needs we had better keep on drilling and finding safer ways to drill for the oil resources this earth has to offer.
Saturday, May 1
" What happened in Arizona proves that racism and anti-immigrant hysteria across the country still exist. " Lee Siu Hin, coordinator with the Washington D.C. National Immigrant Solidarity Network, said when asked about the, "Illegal"Immigration Law in Arizona. To that I say," BULL HOCKEY" The ILLEGAL Immigration Law in Arizona says Being Illegal is against the law in Arizona.( the law requires authorities to question people about immigration status if there is reason to suspect they're in the country illegally)
Sorry folks but there is nothing earth shattering here and is generaly nothing more than each citizens who drives a car on the highways and public city streets are subject to each and every time they drive. You can be stopped and ask to see your,(papers) drivers license if they suspect you of speeding, driving under the influence or a host of other reasons, such as license checks etc. You are always subject to a police officer stopping you and asking to see your "papers" (license). If you were speeding you are fined, if you have broken or rather suspected of breaking any host of other laws you can be taken to jail, your car confiscated and fined, not to mention blood test or other tests to check if you are under the influence. I am not sure why, if a person is suspected of being in the country illegally, they should not be held to, at the very least, the same standards.
Being in the country illegally is against the law ie.illegal. The Arizona law makes it illegal to be illegal. And also gives the police the right to check if they suspect you are here illegally.
I wonder if it is OK for people, here illegally, to speed then complain, protest and take a host of others actions if they are stopped?
I say it again, this is a bunch of BULL HOCKEY.
PS IF you have not broken law you have nothing to worry about!
Sorry folks but there is nothing earth shattering here and is generaly nothing more than each citizens who drives a car on the highways and public city streets are subject to each and every time they drive. You can be stopped and ask to see your,(papers) drivers license if they suspect you of speeding, driving under the influence or a host of other reasons, such as license checks etc. You are always subject to a police officer stopping you and asking to see your "papers" (license). If you were speeding you are fined, if you have broken or rather suspected of breaking any host of other laws you can be taken to jail, your car confiscated and fined, not to mention blood test or other tests to check if you are under the influence. I am not sure why, if a person is suspected of being in the country illegally, they should not be held to, at the very least, the same standards.
Being in the country illegally is against the law ie.illegal. The Arizona law makes it illegal to be illegal. And also gives the police the right to check if they suspect you are here illegally.
I wonder if it is OK for people, here illegally, to speed then complain, protest and take a host of others actions if they are stopped?
I say it again, this is a bunch of BULL HOCKEY.
PS IF you have not broken law you have nothing to worry about!
Tuesday, April 27
Washington: Sen. Levin kept repeating what he read in an email from a Goldman Sachs executive concerning the "Timberwolf" deal.("“Boy, that Timberwolf was one shitty deal,”)
Levin asked the former head of the Mortgage Dept. at Goldman Sach," How much of that chitty deal did you sell to clients?"
It became pretty clear some of the senators don't really understand the workings of a
company like Goldman Sachs. This evening it became clear the CEO of Sachs wasn't exaclty sure why the government gave them the millions and millions of dollars,but it wasn't a bad investment for the US taxpayer. The entire sum has been paid back with 28% interest!
Among other things that came to light, one should always remember, if you are buying something that means somebody else is trying to sell it for one reason or another!! Just because a firm is selling assets to customers, that does not mean they themselves are not buying short and "betting" the price will fall. When asked by Sen.Levin, Sparks the head of the Mortgage Dept for Sachs, said it has to do with price. People will buy the so called Chitty deal if they think they can make money.
Levin asked the former head of the Mortgage Dept. at Goldman Sach," How much of that chitty deal did you sell to clients?"
It became pretty clear some of the senators don't really understand the workings of a
company like Goldman Sachs. This evening it became clear the CEO of Sachs wasn't exaclty sure why the government gave them the millions and millions of dollars,but it wasn't a bad investment for the US taxpayer. The entire sum has been paid back with 28% interest!
Among other things that came to light, one should always remember, if you are buying something that means somebody else is trying to sell it for one reason or another!! Just because a firm is selling assets to customers, that does not mean they themselves are not buying short and "betting" the price will fall. When asked by Sen.Levin, Sparks the head of the Mortgage Dept for Sachs, said it has to do with price. People will buy the so called Chitty deal if they think they can make money.
Chitty Deal in DC
Washington: Sen. Levin kept repeating what he read in an email from a Goldman Sachs employee concerning the "Timberwolf" deal. Sen. Levin asked the former head of the Mortgage Dept. at Goldman Sach," How much of that chitty deal did you sell to clients?"
It became pretty clear some of the senators don't really understand the workings of a
company like Goldman Sachs. This evening it became clear the CEO of Sachs wasn't exaclty sure why the government gave them the millions and millions of dollars,but it wasn't a bad investment for the US taxpayer. The entire sum has been paid back with 28% interest!
Among other things that came to light, one should always remember, if you are buying something that means somebody else is trying to sell it for one reason or another!! Just because a firm is selling assets to customers, that does not mean they themselves are not buying short and "betting" the price will fall. When asked by Sen.Levin Sparks the head of the Mortgage Dept for Sachs said it has to do with price. People will buy the so called Chitty deal if they think they can make money.
It became pretty clear some of the senators don't really understand the workings of a
company like Goldman Sachs. This evening it became clear the CEO of Sachs wasn't exaclty sure why the government gave them the millions and millions of dollars,but it wasn't a bad investment for the US taxpayer. The entire sum has been paid back with 28% interest!
Among other things that came to light, one should always remember, if you are buying something that means somebody else is trying to sell it for one reason or another!! Just because a firm is selling assets to customers, that does not mean they themselves are not buying short and "betting" the price will fall. When asked by Sen.Levin Sparks the head of the Mortgage Dept for Sachs said it has to do with price. People will buy the so called Chitty deal if they think they can make money.
Monday, April 26
I Was Hurt By What The President Didn't Say Today
Dear Mr. President,
I am hurt, hurt not by the words you used today but by the words you didn't use... you left me out..I am a middle age white male and you asked for the help of many but forgot me. I must ask you, is there something wrong with me? Am I a second class or lower citizen because I am a middle age white male? I am so confused I thought I heard you, during your campaign say, ( tell me if I am wrong) that you were going to be a president of all the people. Because of my race am I not part of your America???? I thought we had come so very far in this country, from the days where a man or woman was judged by race and sometime by race alone. Sounded today as if I was wrong. You hurt me you made me feel as if I was not part of your America. I wonder what is going on ..........................
"Obama speaks with unusual demographic frankness in his appeal to "young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women [to] stand together once again."
Woe is me!
Thank you for your time.
I am hurt, hurt not by the words you used today but by the words you didn't use... you left me out..I am a middle age white male and you asked for the help of many but forgot me. I must ask you, is there something wrong with me? Am I a second class or lower citizen because I am a middle age white male? I am so confused I thought I heard you, during your campaign say, ( tell me if I am wrong) that you were going to be a president of all the people. Because of my race am I not part of your America???? I thought we had come so very far in this country, from the days where a man or woman was judged by race and sometime by race alone. Sounded today as if I was wrong. You hurt me you made me feel as if I was not part of your America. I wonder what is going on ..........................
"Obama speaks with unusual demographic frankness in his appeal to "young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women [to] stand together once again."
Woe is me!
Thank you for your time.
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