Friday, May 7

290,000 New Jobs-Unemployment Up

Only in American can the number of new jobs increase by 290,000 while the unemployment rate rises at the same time!!
If there were 290,000 new jobs last month but the unemployment rate increased from 9.7 % to 9.9% somewhere along the way more people are out of work this month than last month so ......something doesn't add up to good news no matter how you slice it. Because some how some way there has to be more people out of work this month over last month but yet 290,000 new jobs were created... I am not sure how the government can come out saying this is a good thing. There are more people out of work this month than last no matter how you spin the story.
Seems we have a very creative group in Washington these days. But facts are facts and the fact is there are more people out of work this month than there were last month.
I had flash backs...... I am wondering if we are going to get the real meaning of the word, "is" some day soon!!!

Say it "ain't" so!!!!

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