I was talking to, Sally Bless-Your-Heart Smith, today. We were talking or should I say she was talking about religion. Now just to spice things up let me say, she is from,"Up North",(if you live here in the South you know what that means!)
Anyway, she was telling me how she hears people saying, "I will pray for you" and "God bless you" and then turn right around smack a kid, tell somebody else to shut-up or do something else, I will not repeat here... I believe what she was trying to say was, in most cases these people will not pray for you but rather it is just a response to something they see or hear.
How many time have you heard somebody sneeze then hear an automatic response of God bless you, without any thought of God what-so-ever? They might tell somebody else to screw off in the same breath. In most(not all) cases it is just talk. Sally BYH Smith has seen and heard her share of this "TALK."
This got us talking about religion in general..let me stop here and say, I have nothing against anyone religion, we are all free to believe and or not believe as we see fit. Sally BYH Smith and I were talking about people and how they might go to church two or three times a week and look down on others who don't go as much or the ones that go, dare I say,religiously, but in their everyday lives would screw you on a deal in a heart beat. I think what Sally BYH Smith was saying and I agreed, going to church doesn't make you a good person. I know Churches won't say this because they need the money but it's the way you live your life that counts not how many times you go to Church. I know the "guy upstairs"(I will call Him that because I know He doesn't mind and different people call Him by different names) is more interested in how you live your day to day life more so than the number of times you go into a building. Speaking of buildings ie. Churches, ever looked around at the number of churches? OK, which ones are the ones that are going to get you to heaven and which ones are the people wasting their time? Which churches are the "Real Ones"? Which religion or religions are the true ones? Stop and think!
I remember as a boy I went to the church that housed the True religion... I asked a teacher once, how come I lucked into a family that had the true religion? If I had been born into another family that didn't know of or didn't believe in this true religion would I end up in hell because I would have followed it because that is what I would have been taught. I asked her about the Natives in Africa(because I had seen them on TV) who had no Churches and didn't know about my true religion, I asked how it was that all of them were going to hell because, not only didn't they have the true religion they didn't even wear shoes or go to church? You know to this very day she never answered me! I have never watched another Tarzan movie the same way after that.......... Always wondered about that, even Sally BYH Smith was speechless for a few seconds.
Now after a long chat with Sally Bless-Your-Heart Smith we were wondering if money might not play a big part in some of the man made rules people are given when it comes to church and different rules of these churches. Just a thought, folks don't get mad at me I am always asking questions.. I wonder..I wonder first off how many people will even read this but how many think they have the right religion, if it matters or just what they think about the whole subject.
I will tell you a true story that happened to me. By the way, I told Sally Bless-Your-Heart Smith this story. Not sure she believed me but it's true after my late wife passed away a member of the church told me it was OK to be mad at God.."Mad at God," I said, "no way I am going to be mad at God"." No" he insisted, it's OK. I said, "I am not going to get mad at God because He has here now I am not going to do anything to tick Him off" I tell that story only because it isn't God or what ever name you wish to use that I have my problems with... It is the religions and their rules that this story is about.
OK so what you is your take on this..and be respectful, I was and beside I will tell Sally Bless-Your-Heart Smith all about what you say!
I wish to thanks Sally BYH Smith because without her this would not have been published.
I enjoyed this, I don't know you or your friend Sally bless your heart smith but you both makes a whole lot of sense! Thanks for being a voice for the rest of us!
ReplyDeleteSounds like smart words to me!