Saturday, May 8

Stopped, Asked to Show My Papers - So What!

OK, I have had enough of the Arizona complaining crap! Yes, I said CRAP, it's all a load of crap. Follow the law and you have nothing to worry about!
Last night at approx. 10:59pm I was stopped by three state policemen and asked,to show my drivers license. I wasn't doing anything wrong, I had my seat belt on, wasn't speeding, was minding my own business. However, it seems there is this law in the State of North Carolina that you must have your drivers license with you at all times while driving a car. It doesn't matter if you are white, black, Hispanic, Catholic or whatever, it's the law. Not unlike the "New Law" in Arizona. For whatever reason they stopped me they asked to see my license, I showed it, that was that.
If I, as an American citizen, am subject to being stopped and asked questions and to see my papers(driver license) anyone and I mean anyone, legal or illegal sure as hell is subject to the same treatment!
People stop making yourselves victims, stand up for yourself and if you are illegal go home and stop whining! I am sick of it! If you want to be in this country go home and come back the right way. No if's and's or but's!

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