Wednesday, May 12

Steal A Cross? Come On Grow Up!

A 75 year old WWI Memorial was stolen from the Mojave dessert.
The white metal cross has been the subject of numerous court cases. Two weeks ago the Supreme court in a 5 to 4 decision ruled the cross can stand.

If a cross in the middle of a dessert offends you, no problem, don't go into the dessert. If you must go, don't look at it but, come on, don't cut it down and take it away....By the way, this cross was nothing more than metal pipes erected so as to form a "plus sign." If you have no religious belief it is nothing more ..... and it sure doesn't do anything to abridge your freedom of religion.
It can however mean much more to those who see it as a cross.

The first cross, a wooden one was placed on the rock in 1934, a metal cross replaced it in the late 90's.
Not too long ago a box was built around the cross until the court ruled.

The VFW is offering a $25,000 reward!
(The reason given for the court case was the separation of church and state)

1 comment:

  1. Must take a real man to do something like this!
    Real jerk, maybe!
