Monday, April 11


   When $3.69 is a "good deal" for a gallon of gas it's time the President of the United States of America stands up for it's people. Mr. President of the United States of America, if  you do nothing else, makes sure the drilling permits that have already been granted be distributed OR do away with them and  let those that have the leases drill. 
   As a side note:  Open up parts of Alaska! I, for one, could care less if we tick off a few polar bears or whatever kind of "ANIMALS" are in Alaska, we need to drill. Drilling does NOT  kill the animal and oil is natural, straight out of God's green earth, so go hug a tree and thank God for a natural source of energy.
    I am tired of you excuses and lies. You act like and  even sound like, you are upset because those US companies that have leases aren't drilling but on the other  hand you restrict them from drilling. I see you had no problem lending"our" money to companies in Brazil so they can come to the Gulf of Mexico and drill for, what should be, "our" oil. You even went to Brazil and told those companies the United States would be a good customer. No, Mr. President we should  not be their customers,  we should be selling our excess oil  not buying what  we need.
What do you not understand? Oh wait, I forgot the citizens of the United States of America are paying for all the gas and jet fuel you use.....................
 Don't start telling me and the people of the United States of America it will take 5,10,15 or 20 years before we will get gas from the oil. That is "old hat" and doesn't matter anymore! Oil/gas is now on the stock market now and speculation plays a big part in the price!!!!!! If you make a BIG announcement the the United States  in all it glory is going to drill for it's own oil/gas ( and then do it or make sure it gets done) that in itself will affect the price! Try it and see,  what you are doing now is not the way what are you doing now? Oh yeah, NOTHING!!!!!!!!

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