Wednesday, January 26

State of the Union Address: After $16 Billion in Earmarks

Mr. President, nice speech!  However, the time for nice speeches is over we need action!
The country is in debt up to it's "eyeballs," not that  China minds, they own most of it and I don't need to tell you what that means. ( Didn't you just have a big state dinner for the communist leader of China?)
 Mr. President, you said, "Because the American people deserve to know that special interests aren't larding up legislation with pet projects, both parties in Congress should know this: if a bill comes to my desk with earmarks inside, I will veto it." Nice touch Mr. President,  but you said that before you became President and while  President. The problem is, you lied, as a matter of fact you signed a bill a couple of weeks ago that contained more than 9000 earmarks, yes more than 9000!  Last year alone you signed bills containing about $16 BILLION in earmarks, yes, Billion! So what  part of your speech should the American people believe? 
I heard you say you wanted to freeze spending levels for the next 5 years. Do you want to freeze them at  the current level? In case it may have slipped your mind, the current level of spending has put us so deep in debt some believe we may never get out... Yes, I know you said, "discretionary spending" but it all "Mumbo-Jumbo" and you know it!
 Mr. President, do you even know how much debt the United States is in, do you care, do you understand what this means?
  The talk about the tax code, the service of our young men and women, getting along etc. that was nice but time  for  talk is past it's time for action.

What did you think of the Speech?

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