GUILTY.... got away with murder and any number of other verdicts have been floating around for the last few days after our court system deemed Casey Anthony not guilty of the murder of her daughter! There are any number of people, TV hosts and news peoples who say she is guilty or that she got away with murder. I say, if any one of them know "for sure" where were they during the trial why didn't they go to the judge or the lawyers??? Truth is, they don't know any more than I know or you know, unless of course you happen to be Casey Anthony. Even then I am not sure she really knows what happen!
It is my "Opinion" OJ Simpson was, by all the evidence, proven to be guilty too a higher degree of certainty than Casey Anthony ever was. Of course this doesn't make either one of them, guilty or not guilty. In both cases there are a total of three people dead and nobody has been proven to have cased their deaths. In the Anthony case it has never been proven there was somebody responsible for her death. Accident or not, never proven. (Anyone would hard pressed to say the deaths, in the Simpson case, was the results of an accident.) It's too bad the court didn't find out what happened (in the Anthony case) and too bad and very sad an innocent little girl is dead and "almost" nobody on this earth "knows" what happen.
I heard a TV show host, early this morning, say, she knows Casey Anthony is guilty! I say please, please say. it is your belief, your feeling or what you think but don't try to pass it on as a fact! If you are going to say it is a fact, tell us more or shut up!
I guess this is the way the country is heading. People, of some importance, say things and because they say it, it makes it true. If you doubt it, listen to the current president.
But that, my friends, is for another day and maybe a book or books....