Sunday, May 5

First time in History

For the first time  an American President  who is a Republican has been  been indicted on criminal charges  after leaving office! Democrats  have indicted the former President, who is running against the current Democrat President, on flimsy charges dating back 8 years. (The statue of limitations, if this was a crime, has run out and if it was a crime it was a federal one not a state crime. The Feds have already looked in this issue and dropped it)   >The chargers are he mislabeled an expense in his business records, which isn't a crime, but because this mislabeling was done to cover up something else, that isn't a crime,to effect something else ...which isn't a crime but when done together, they claim ,is a crime! It boils down to in the business records of Trumps business a payment his lawyer made was listed as legal expense  and because they say it was done to help his campaign for President in 2016 it should have been listed as a campaign expense! So for that reason they seek to put him in jail! A former President of the United States of America! By the way he was one of the best  Presidents this country has seen. He didn't take a paycheck but rather donated his paycheck to different areas of the government. He did things to help the citizens of this country,  built up the military, stood strong on the world stage and started no wars , reduced hostilities and started building a wall at the southern border of the United States! In fact he reduced the number of illegal crossing into the Unite States of America to some of it's lowest levels ever.Those seeking asylum were to remain in Mexico until the courts could hear their case. Which by the way cut down on the numbers dramatically! ( It reduced the incentives for those who were trying to illegally break into the country!  Since he was a prominent businessman the country was run more efficiently and tax money was used more effectively. The economy was robust to say the least and other than ridiculous claim against the president by those who power we must assume was being threatened it was a good times for the American people!     It's hard to pinpoint exactly why many in the government were threatened but its pretty clear they didn't want "outsiders" looking into "things" going on in the government and they wanted him out of the picture! This is going down in the History of the United States of America as one of the dumbest thing ever attempted by a political party against a candidate and former President of the United States of America  of the opposing party, Who, by the way, is leading in all the current polls!

Thursday, August 10

Sand, sun and fun await... 
HA 9457460
5206 Lindbergh Ave, Kitty Hawk, NC, 27949, USVrbo 1982835
IncompleteVrbo 1982834
Lindbergh Ave, Kitty Hawk, NC, 27949, USVrbo 1225853
Three bedroom cottage with Ocean Views- A beach-lover's paradise! · 5206 Lindbergh Ave, Kitty Hawk, NC, 27949, USHA 9457460

      This is an old blog hasn't been used much recently but perhaps I can  update and make it a more pleasant and uplifting site with an Atlantic Ocean theme!  Kitty Hawk and surrounding beach  pictures. Kitty Hawk for those who might not know is on the Atlantic coast of North Carolina on an island ( connected to the mainland by two very large bridges about 15 - 20  miles apart. Enter one in Va the other in NC)

Sunday, February 26

Foolish, Stupid, him or US?

Foolish - Stupid ................ Him or Us

What have we done as American 
by sitting home on election day?????
.....By looking at this administration and it's policies and using common sense, one can see

 the path  they are leading us down...... most people see this as the, not so "freedom

 loving" government slowly weaving it's way into society and slowly pushing and pulling 

"things" so as to make the path to their final destination a little easier to lead or push"the

 people" down..... If you don't see this or get it,  I understand, you probably voted for the 

current administration, as was your right. Most folks who voted for this administration tend

  only to see the good and what they perceive as good, others  see it as it appears and 

where it's heading.

To be honest, it's  scary.... If you voted for the current administration relax, take it easy, 

you did your part so this election, stay at home let the rest of handle voting! 

America You Got This President as a Results of Too Many Americans Sitting at Home on Election Day!

get off your ass and vote

Saturday, January 21

Why Mr. President, WHY?


 The Keystone pipe line has been in the works for years and impact studies have been done for  over three years! Now  President Obama, said he didn't have enough time to study the matter!***(It should be noted the deadline is not until Feb 21, 2012)

                                         Can you say, "Shovel Ready"

President Obama denied the largest "shovel ready" jobs program in the country.  He  hasn't had enough time to study the project. CRAP! (excuse me)  Studies have been done and the pipe line project  has passed all of them. So what's up with the "Obama" ?  He claims he wants to put Americans back to work, this project will employ many, many people. Could it be he wants gas to reach $5 a gallon? He has said the very same  in the past. (Could it be a question of CONTROL? He feels as President he should have total control?)

 The pipe line could reduce gas prices before the first drop "liquid energy" passes through the pipe line. One has to ask, what is this President up to, is it stupidity, "fantasy-landish,"  meanness, hatred, wanting total control or WHAT?

"This announcement is not a judgment on the merits of the pipeline, but the arbitrary nature of a deadline..." Obama said in a statement. "I'm disappointed that Republicans in Congress forced this decision, but it does not change my administration's commitment to American-made energy that creates jobs and reduces our dependence on oil." ??? ( Try something else Mr. President, that bird doesn't fly and that dog doesn't hunt)
"Little Rock, Ark.,  60 employees at a local steel pipe manufacturer are now out of work as a direct result of the President’s indecision:"

"The President’s  State Department thoroughly studied potential environmental impacts of the Keystone pipeline and found minimal risk to soil, water, air, and animal life. Still, environmentalists oppose construction of the pipeline in force.  The pipeline has support from both sides of the political aisle and would deliver economic benefits spanning the nation:"
 "The construction of the Keystone XL pipeline would deliver an additional 700,000 to 830,000 barrels of oil per day to the U.S. from Canada, the U.S.’s largest supplier of oil. Not only is the delay preventing additional imports from Canada, it is also preventing the creation of thousands of private-sector jobs. Building the pipeline would directly create 20,000 truly shovel-ready jobs; the Canadian Energy Research Institute estimates that current pipeline operations and the addition of the Keystone XL pipeline would create 179,000 American jobs by 2035."
 Recognizing the need for more energy supply and more jobs, both Democrats and Republicans expressed support for the Keystone XL pipeline, a $20 billion private-infrastructure investment in the United States. The states through which the pipeline would pass—Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas—would benefit greatly. The six states are collectively projected to receive $5.2 billion in property taxes from TransCanada in the course of the 100-year operating life of the pipeline.

Tell us the truth Mr. President, what are you up to????
 After looking at what is happening in this country I wonder if this project had been a US Obama Administration project, Obama ,himself, would be out in full force, ( TV spots, radio commercials, main stream media front page stories, nightly news shots  the works) telling people how great "his" pipeline was going to be and just how much "he" cares about America? Or would he rather scrap the entire project and let gas prices rise to over $5 per gallon? Truth is one can not really tell with this President! 
Tell us the truth Mr. President, what are you up to???

"Obama is saying he rejected the permit application now based on the State Department's recommendation, which concluded there wasn't enough time to vet alternate pipeline routes."  Please excuse me but let me repeat  "The President’s  State Department thoroughly studied potential environmental impacts of the Keystone pipeline and found minimal risk to soil, water, air, and animal life."
 Tell us the truth Mr. President, what are you up to????

 How did  Americans elect this man to be President of the United States of America?

                                                    Interesting facts:

The XL pipeline, if it ever gets built, will stretch from Alberta Canada all the way to the Gulf of Mexico, where U.S. refineries will be able to turn Canadian crude oil into gasoline and other fuels.
Canada is by far the largest supplier of crude oil to the U.S., providing the country with 1.9 million barrels per day, according to The Perryman Group, a Texas-based research firm that conducted a report on the economic impact Keystone will have on the six states through which it will travel.

  The Keystone XL Pipeline System will have the capacity to deliver approximately 1.1 million barrels per day of Canadian crude oil to US markets each day. Proponents of the pipeline say the project will help insulate the U.S. from testy oil-exporting regimes and volatile regions of the world, thus helping the nation's energy self-sufficiency. TransCanada says the pipeline will supply the U.S. with roughly half the amount of oil it imports from the Middle East.

TransCanada is promising the pipeline will create 15,000 construction and manufacturing jobs, generate $5.2 billion in property taxes from Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas and provide $20 billion in economic contributions.
The American Petroleum Institute, the largest U.S. trade group for oil and gas producers, said the pipeline will create 500,000 U.S. jobs by 2035, but opponents argue those are not permanent jobs. ( )

Even though the debate has focused on the Keystone XL Pipeline it is important to note, it is simply an extension of the Keystone Pipeline, which is already built and operational. It stretches from Hardsity, Alberta, and flows east to Manitoba then hooks due south to Steele City, Neb. From there it splits in  two, reaching Patoka, Ill., and Cushing, Okla.
A similar pipeline stretches from Wisconsin and Michigan all the way to Louisiana.
The Keystone XL Pipeline will relay Alberta to Steele City in one straight line of piping over much of Nebraska, then extend the current pipeline to Port Arthur, Texas, which is next to both Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico.

The pipeline would flow over an environmentally sensitive area of Nebraska. Known as the Sandhills, the region is sandy hills under which lies the Ogallala Aquifer, the leading source of drinking and irrigation water for the nation's bread basket.The ground is permeable and the fear is an oil spill in the region will percolate down into the water shed contaminating the entire aquifer.
The Sandhills is considered an ecoregion by the World Wide Fund for Nature, due to its distinct soil composition, and is one of the most intact natural habitats of the Great Plains, according to the WWF. Roughly 85 percent has not been developed or altered by humans.
In November 2011, the Nebraskan legislature passed a bill that would reroute the pipeline away from the region, and TransCanada agreed.
A new route is expected within  days.
In the Department of State's final Impact Statement reviewing the project, the Keystone XL pipeline is expected to have between 1.18 to 2.51 oil spills of any size per year.
 Union officials are normally shoulder-to-shoulder with environmentalists in the Democratic Party and in progressive coalitions, but the Keystone XL controversy has divided those two interest groups, with labor unions taking the same side as the oil industry.

The debate as to the project's environmental impact prompted the State Department to undertake a review of the project that has been going on since  2008. Between 2009 and 2010, the department hosted 41 public meetings and published its draft environmental impact statement on April 16.
Responding to public comments, the department issued in April 2011 a supplemental draft impact statement, which received more than 280,000 comments. A decision was expected in December 2011, but last November President Barack Obama  for purely political reasons with total disregard for the American citizens, some of whom elected him, deferred a decision until after the presidential election. A final decision by the State Department was not expected until 2013.
The delay was met with frustration by Republicans  in Washington and outrage by citizens    on Nov. 30, a bill was introduced that would force the president to approve the pipeline within 60 days of the bill's passing.
In mid-December Congressional members passed an amendment to the Payroll Tax Holiday bill that forced the president to make a final determination on the bill by Feb. 21.
Not having total control, the president rejected the pipeline project,( well before the Feb 21st deadline)  claiming his administration did not have enough time to review the project, that began  in 2008.
I ask the President, as you should:Tell us the truth Mr. 
President, what are you up to????

 How did  Americans elect this man to be President of   
                      the United States of America?

 I "hope" there is a "change" of Presidents,  be sure to vote......

  That is  HOPE  & CHANGE  that will save this country!

Monday, January 16

New Law: Relocate DC Rats, Don't Kill Them

             The rats are running wild in DC!!  These rats are the four legged rodents, not Politicians.  It seem the 4 legged rat population is getting out of control in DC especially since the "Occupy DC" folks have moved in. ..
 A DC new law says, Rats in DC have to  be relocated not killed.
           Virginia's Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli says       

he is worried that a new District of Columbia law that governs how pest control operators must handle rats may result in entire rodent “families” being relocated across the Potomac River into Virginia by D.C. pest control personnel. …

           Cuccinelli said D.C.’s new rat law — the Wildlife Protection Act of 2010 (Wildlife Protection Act of 2010.pdf)— is “crazier than fiction” because it requires that rats and other vermin not be killed but captured, preferably in families; no glue or snap traps can be utilized; the rodents must be relocated from where they are captured; and some of these animals may need to be transferred to a “wildlife rehabilitator” as part of their relocation process.

           The law does not allow pest control professionals “to kill the dang rats,” Cuccinelli said, “They have to capture them — then capture them in families. [Not sure] how you’re going to figure that out with rats. And then you have to relocate them. That brings us to Virginia. Now, if you don’t relocate them about 25 miles away, according to experts, rodents will find their way back. Well, an easy way to solve that problem is to cross a river, and what’s on the other side of the river? Virginia.”

      You can't fault the Stae of Virginia for not wanting families of rats being relocated to thise state. You  can't fault the people of the United States for wanting to relocate the the current President. ( Enough said)

STOP IT NOW, Do what needs to be done!

President Obama is trying to raise the debt ceiling to the, not so sweet, tune of $1.2 trillion, again. He sent a one page letter to congress asking for the debt ceiling to be raised. ( Hmmmmmmmmm! Guess we all have to pay for his Hawaii vacation)

This has to stop, stop the carzs, stop car company take overs, stop giving millions to "green" companies, stop all the Crap, stop trying to change our form of government. Mr. President if you don't like our form of government feel free to go to any country you feel comfortable with, sure you've made many friends with leaders of other countries. You will be able to find a country that fits your philosophy, the way you want your family to live and one that will take you.

PS Don't let the White House door bump you on the butt when you leave and I "hope" you have a nice life and please leave any "change" you haven't spent.

Wednesday, December 7



  Teach your children to be grateful for what they have and  receive every day and to be very thankful for any gifts they  may receive for Christmas.  Teach your children Christmas is not all about getting gifts or "stuff."

          There is grumbling  up North.( North Pole)  I was sent a warning of what Christmas could be in the future if we're not grateful for what we have and thrilled to the bone for anything we receive as a Christmas gift.

One other thing from my source up North:

                                                             This "list" business has gotten way out of hand.    
                                                             Kids today makes Christmas lists and expect to
                                                             receive each and every item. Well, it's about   
                                                             time the kids realize they can't always get what 
                                                             they want and somethings are just too expensive! 

         This country would be a lot better off  if adults (Parents, Congress and the White House) figured out they can't always  get or afford exactly what they want when they want it.  There wouldn't be as many people in houses that they can't afford. This explains why the Elf named, "Credit,"  is laying low.............................

                              THIS IS A WARNING.....

By-Stander in the White House..Way In Over His Head

Too late to cry now..... you are in way over your head

                                                               It's Not So Much Fun Now 

          We now have a by-stander in the White House! The latest  word from the White House on the debt and economy concerning the Super Committee is sad. The President recently said  he was pretty sure the committee wasn't going to get anything done so he didn't get involved. Oh great, the President, the man who was going to lead the country, the man who got enough people to believe he knew enough to  run the country, (at least that is what someone wanted you to believe), is taking a pass when it comes to issues he feels are too hard.
          A good thing or a bad thing? Well, if you actually expected the President to help the country it could be  a bad thing. A good thing if you look at the  President's record to this point in trying to "help" the country. One might say, we would all be better off if the President had  just stood by and done nothing. Sort of like voting present as he did many, many times while in the senate. 

         I personally believe there were many reasons Obama was elected President, few of those reasons had  much to do about his ability to lead. A number of voters figure, if a guy has gotten as far as actually running for President he has the knowledge to become President, especially if he is in the same party! 

         No offense to the President, personally, but I was encouraged to hear the President's rating have dropped to the lowest of any other President, at this point in his term. There is a glimmer of hope after all. 
         I mean no disrespect to the man, I believe he got way in over his head. It amazes me exactly how a person with his past record* became President of the United States of America.

* By "record" I am not referring to any criminal activity. 

Tuesday, November 29

Big F'n Deal Mr. Vice President

                                                                         VP, Joe Biden

Does it make you a little uncomfortable knowing the Vice President is in Baghdad talking to other world leaders?

The Vice President is representing the United States of America and President Obama, which in itself is scary, in Baghdad, discussing the drawdown of the US troops. Of course who really knows what he is actually saying? Remember, this is the same Joe Biden who, on the day President Obama signed the health care overhaul into law, made a blooper of historic proportions. When the Vice President introduced President Obama, he leans into the President and whispers, not so quietly, into his ear........................................

"This is a big ("Fn") deal"!


He said such things as:

"J-O-B-S is a three letter word."

"Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me."

"Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see ya." (speaking to Missouri state senator Chuck Graham was in a wheelchair.)

The Vice President gets his historical facts screwed up, claiming President Roosevelt went on TV in 1929 to talk about the stock market crash, despite the fact Roosevelt wasn't President and TV's were only experimental.

But hey, what are few screw ups among friends or world leaders?

These are but a few examples that should scare you knowing the Vice President is talking to other world leaders while representing the United States of America.

I believe it is way past time for a change in leadership or lack of, in the White House. If you agree, please remember these things before the 2012 election and don't be afraid to let your feelings be known.

Vote to Untangle the Tangled Mess

I don't care who you voted for in the last Presidential election, that's over. It's time to focus on the upcoming election, ask yourself and answer yourself, honestly, what positive things has the current President done for you, your family and your future family? What has he done for this country? I didn't say what has he done "to" this country but "for" this country.

I dare say there are lots of people receiving some kind of government aid, food stamps, welfare, grants, assistance for this or that, unemployment benefits, over and beyond what you have paid in the system. Just so it is clear, when I speak of government aid I am not talking to seniors who worked all of their lives and paid into the social security system, they were told, would take care of them when they retired. (A system they were forced to pay into and would have been fine today if the government had left the money alone and used it only for the purpose it was collected .) Nor am I speaking to people who are truly disabled. I am, however, also speaking to over paid under working government employees and a lot of politicians, who fall into the previous category.

All the people getting aid, you had better think hard about who you want as your President, when the money is gone it's about class warfare, you are going to see class warfare like you have never envisioned. You won't be on the winning side.

Everyone had better vote smart this time! By that I mean, don't vote to try to undo past wrongs. Don't vote to keep your undeserved, unpaid for,  freebies. Vote for the person that will get us out of the horrible mess the current President and the economy has entangled our country.

Wednesday, November 23

What now? Newt Beat His Mom!!!

                                                      Sad but true!

No, not that Newt beat his mother, he didn't however, "the powers that be" have successfully caused Herman Cain's slump in the polls. Now that Newt has risen to the top it's time for "the powers that be" to start spreading something about Newt. Beating his mother might work, I can see it now, an unnamed source close to the campaign said Newt beat his mother and could have....... Of course the source will be unnamed, at least at the beginning and you know the rest of the story!

It is not a bad thing that Newt has risen to the top, as a matter of fact Newt would make a great President he is a very smart person. I dare say, much smarter than the current sitting President with loads more experience and an understanding of how government works and doesn't work. The former Speaker of the House has actual ideas of how and what to do to help this country internally and help bring the United States' standing back with the rest of the world. We can thank the current President for making the U.S. look like a second rate country with nothing to be proud of and all kinds of reasons to apologise.

I am interestrest in finding out who is/are "the powers that be".

What are your ideas on, "the powers that be"?

Wednesday, November 2

She said, He did, now she says, she might not want to say. Or so someone said!

     The latest on the Herman Cain story;  one of Mr. Cain's accusers  is changing her tune about her willingness to speak out about sexual harassment allegations she made  back in the 90's. Somebody, who knew somebody, who knows somebody close to the Cain situation said recently no decision has been made about asking the NRA to release an unnamed person from a confidentiality agreement she signed.
            Joel Bennett an attorney for an unnamed Herman Cain accuser said his client asked him to stop talking to the news media, Mr Bennett told this to a news media reporter.

On Wednesday Bennett said," I stand by everything I said" after talking to several news media outlets.
 This entire story sounds like a He said, she said,  an unnamed source said, not to say, I said!

Thursday, October 27

Obama avoids congress, deems the new student loan program so!

"The ONE"

          The new Obama student loan program will be done...  President  Obama Wednesday  reached out to young voters in a key swing state. On his second campaign visit to the Rocky Mountain electoral battleground of Colorado in a month,the President said,"We want you in school. But we shouldn't saddle you with debt when you're starting off," referring to the high fees,  many US students face on the way to a degree.
          Obama's plan, to be enacted by executive order, will mean payments would go down for 1.6 million Americans who are stuck with student loan debt. WHAT THE PRESIDENT, IN HIS INFINITE WISDOM, FAILED TO MENTION WAS...after all is said and done the average student's monthly payment will fall by, ( hold on to your hat) between $4 and $8 and maybe as much as $10 in some cases.The President did say,"These changes will make a difference for millions of Americans. It will save you money.( failing to mention just how much of a saving) It will help more young people figure out how to afford college. It can put more money in your pocket once you graduate," he said.
          The plan was among a series of initiatives that Obama unveiled during a three day campaign trip to California, Nevada and Colorado using his executive powers, thus under minding the way America's government  operates.
          There is no doubt young voters will be especially crucial to Obama's re-election hopes in Colorado, a swing state where he fired up young, first time voters in 2008 on his way to the White House.
          By coincidence, Obama was in Denver exactly three years ago to the day, in days before his presidential election victory, talking to a massive crowd of more than 100,000 people, many of them young voters. However back then he didn't tell the young first time voters he would do what other President had not done by working around the system and the way the government has worked since the country's founding.  This President must believe he knows more than all the Presidents before him. I would dare to remind the President and those who will be voting in the next election, first time or not, America's government is not a One man rule government.
           It' doubtful this is the change many  voters had in mind when the present President promised Hope and Change.
          It's  clear to see the savings the President wants young people and  parents to imagine  are far more than what the end results will actually be. The President didn't say just what these "GREAT" saving would cost to implement.

Monday, October 24

If He Says It's So, It's So!

                                                        God Bless/Help The USA

Campaigning, President Barack Obama on Friday declared an end to the Iraq war one of the longest and most divisive conflicts in U.S. history. He is President and in his mind what he says is true.  Announcing  to the world that all American troops will be coming home by year's end thus putting  an end to the war, no matter if the job is done or not.
Instead, of stating everything has been taken care of, the campaigning  Obama spoke of a promise kept, a new day for a self-reliant Iraq and a focus on building up the economy at home.
"I can report that, as promised, the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year," Obama said. "After nearly nine years, America's war in Iraq will be over", because he said so.
Obama spoke after a private video conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, and he offered assurances that the two leaders agreed on the decision, just like the assurances he gave the American people about the first "job's bill about all those shovel ready jobs.
Obama, an opponent of the war from the start, took office and accelerated the end of the conflict. In August 2010, he declared the U.S. combat mission over.
"Over the next two months tens of thousands of our troops in Iraq will ready themselves  for the journey home," Obama said. "The last American soldier will cross the border out of Iraq with their heads held high, proud of their success and knowing that the American people stand united in our support for our troops." He didn't mention if there would be any civilians jobs for these braves troops when they returned home.
 I am confident  it is not  a good thing to let everyone know exactly when your are going to leave a conflict.  However it is a good thing when you are trying to get re-elected and can use it as a promise fulfilled.

 Lets bring this situation down to a kids level and explain it. You have three kids, one is being attacked by  a bully,  a third kids who is the biggest comes over to the small kids yard and helps him beat up the bully. As the bully is laying on the ground the biggest kid says I have to leave at 4:45.
Not being an idiot, the  bully backs off knowing full well after about 4:50 he can come back and smack the  "you know what" out of the small kid because he knows exactly when the big kid is going home.
 If the big kid had said, I am not sure when or if I have to go home, the bully would have high tailed it out of there and probably stopped bugging the little kid.
Why tell the bully and the rest of the world your plans?